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Kickoff and Week One Updates

I can’t believe it’s been one week since kickoff. We’re all really excited about this year’s game. For more information, visit this link here.

In this first week, different departments have started on their prototypes as well as talking about strategy, scoring options, and many other details!

The Drive Base team has to deal with getting the robot around and containing all its parts.

The Shooter team has to launch the fuel (aka whiffle ball) at the boiler.

The Gear team has to figure out how to handle the gear and put it on the airship.

The Climb team is designing and testing their design to climb the airship rope.

The Marketing team has been hard at work on costumes, the website, team swag, Chairman’s essay and video submissions,and pit design.

We also have an update on the competition schedules. Our first competition at West Valley High School will span March 2nd through March 4th. The CWU competition will span March 16th through March 18th.

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