Spokane STEM
Earlier this month, after our first competition at West Valley, Makayla was approached by Spokane STEM. She wrote a blog post for them, and we couldn’t be more proud.
"Robotics has changed my life in so many ways. Chief among these is that I am capable of doing much more than just sports. I remember sitting in geometry as a freshman and our teacher, which happens to be the robotics lead coach, told us that our school would have a robotics program next year. As a three sport varsity athlete I literally said “I would never join robotics!” That first year the robotics team qualified for the District Championships in Portland. My family traveled to support my brother, who was a member of the team. There I had my first exposure to what robotics and FIRST robotics really was. The next year I joined the team and have been in love with it ever since."
Check out the full article here!