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Reaching out to the elementary and middle school is one of the most exciting things we do as a team.

Winter 2016

We did the first photo shoot for our #ILookLikeAnEngineer campaign and hung the pictures in the Middle and Elementary schools. We did this to inspire the young girls and show them positive role models and to give a more fair representation for women in the STEM field. We hope to inspire young children and introduce them into the STEM programs. 

May 2016

We joined the third graders for a day of engineering. We did a variety of games from building towers out of spaghetti noodles and marshmallows to Minecraft programming to dropping and sometimes throwing eggs into the air to test the contraptions they made to protect them.

Summer 2016

Our first summer camp! Upcoming 4th through 8th graders came and enjoyed two days of engineering. This introduced kids to situations and experiences that they would experience on a FIRST Lego League (FLL) team.

September 2016

When the opportunity came about to start 3 FLL teams for the 4th through 8th graders to participate in, we were very excited. As a team, we mentor the younger children and teach them about the different parts of robotics, such as drag and drop coding, building parts and problem solving.

Fall 2016

Visiting the elementary has become a regular experience. Each Wednesday, a group of robotics team members spend a few hours with grades ranging from Kindergarten to Fourth grade.


May 2016

We were invited to the FIRST Second  Annual Change the World Luncheon. We showed off our robot to potential FIRST sponsors. Afterwards, we presented our posters and told the story of how they came about; the room erupted into applause! Afterwards, we were approached by Kevin Ross and he asked us to email us these pictures to show Woody Flowers, one of the original founding members of FIRST.

Our campaign has grown more than we could have ever have imagined. Thank you to everyone for all your support.

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